We offer local telephones numbers in all 50 states. Vision CTS can provide numbers regardless of geographical location. For example, if you are located in Florida and want a local cloud phone number in California, we can make that happen. Give us a call. If you need a new number our would like to port in an existing number, Vision CTS can help.
Q: Can I move my existing local number to your service? A: Yes
Q: Am I able to get a local number that is out of my rate center? A: Yes. We are not limited like your local carrier. We are able to get you a number anywhere in the United States regardless of your location.
Q: Do I need to have physical service to get a number from you? A: No. You do not need any physical service (including ours) to receive service, you can use or Virtual Switched service for this.
Q: I have noticed that VoIP numbers do not have the same exchanges as my local carrier, can I get a number from you that has the same exchange as what would be provided by the local carrier? A: Yes. However, there is a fee for the initial setup. We will not bore you with the details.
The Choice is Yours
With so many cloud phone service options to choose from, you can rest assured that VCTS will design a customized cloud telephone solution that is flexible, secure and on budget.